The Montana Bunnies Arrive!11/13/2015
Unlike the time I had bunnies flown in last summer, this United flight arrived promptly, and the bunnies were waiting for pickup in the cargo area. After a few chuckles from the airport employees about having shipped rabbits (doesn't everyone fly rodents across the US?), we headed out and took a quick peak at the bunnies before heading home. (OK, so maybe I stopped at TJ Maxx AND Olive Garden for a quick never-ending pasta bowl, but then it was straight home). By now, the normally dismal Ohio weather had turned into a total sleet blizzard, so the trek home was more than just depressingly dark at 5:30pm. We arrived home, and I got my first real glimpse at each of the bunnies. Emmy's rich blue coat immediately caught my eye along with Kaylee's massive orange presence - what a doe! Timmy looked like a shy teddy bear with an enormously cute head, and while I really wanted to cuddle him, I didn't want to add additional stress to the poor fellow, so all three went into their brand new cages alongside Anna, Ruby, and Envy. I quietly observed each bunny. Kaylee seemed the most timid and just pretended to be a meatloaf in the corner of her cage for a while before finding her crock of reverse osmosis water and slurping it down like bunny Kool-Aid. Emmy attacked her toilet paper tube of 3rd cutting hay like it was bunny crack - that girl can eat! Timmy pretended that he didn't notice me, but I couldn't resist petting him just a little, and he didn't seem to mind. Then he proceeded to test his hay and check out the hot does who surrounded him (what a lucky guy...but there's no getting lucky tonight, Timmy). So, today marked a significant milestone for Hook's Hollands at the graciousness of Luv Lops, and their efforts are immensely appreciated. I am excited to see how their rabbits can improve my herd and help me work on wideband and dilute colored Hollands. Thank you, Debbie & Rachel!!
**2021 UPDATE: Wow, this is quite an old post! Sadly, I lost my sweet Timmy last summer during a surgery to repair his hernia. He was undoubtedly my favorite bunny ever! Timmy gave me kisses and was so incredibly mellow (and adorable!). I miss him every day as I notice his absence in the bunny barn. Emmy and Kaylee both had several litters and then were retired as pets. Emmy was super sweet just like Timmy, and Kaylee never warmed up to me. I am still very thankful for these three bunnies and still have Timmy's offspring in my herd. ♥ |
♥ Welcome! ♥ Hook's Hollands is a small hobby rabbitry on our Ohio farm and is operated by me (Diane) with the help of my family. All of my bunnies are pampered pets whom I adore. This blog serves to spotlight various bunny care topics and share a bit about my 365-days-a-year-with-no-vacations experiences raising bunnies. Categories
February 2021